28 Oct. 05

Greetings all,

This afternoon Diane Whitman, Sarah Petrasek and I saw an immature dark-morph Red-tailed Hawk migrating with a "normal" Red-tail, moving west over the hills north of Brighton. The exact site was on Coltman Road about .5 km north of Carman Rd., (which is north of Hwy. 401) or about 3 km NE of Carman. I believe that it was of the calurus subspecies, rather than a "Harlan's" type. In any event, it is only the second dark-morph I have ever seen in Ontario and my first for this area. Also seen at the same location was a southbound flock of 40 Brant flying high above.


Doug McRae

Doug McRae
P.O. Box 3010
Brighton, Ontario
Canada K0K 1H0

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