The Kingston Field Naturalists have decided to start a weekly report to
will include those birds reported within the Kingston 50km circle taking in
the southern
portions of Leeds,Frontenac, and Lennox&Addington Counties with some
emphasis on Wolfe and
Amherst Islands.

Two days of -20C in a row may not be the most auspicious way to start this
report but
there have been some interesting birds around.

The most unusual is a barn swallow at Dupont that stayed at least until Dec
9. A moorhen
at Collin's Bay to Dec 7 and 8 sandhill cranes south of Napanee from Nov 27
to Dec 7 were also noteworthy.

There are lots of waterfowl about: 2 cormorants at Glenora Dec 13 and a snow
goose at Conway on the 10th
were the only unexpected sightings.

Feeder birds are abundant with the early snow and unseasonably cold
temperatures.Amongst the large numbers
of juncos and bluejays are some less common visitors. Two red-bellied
woodpeckers are in the area: one north of Elginburg
and one in Cartwright's Pt.; a chipping sparrow SW of Odessa;and pine
siskins and redpolls at several feeders north of the city.The flurry of
evening grosbeaks reported in November has fizzled; one was seen on Dec 14
but two flocks of pine grosbeaks were reported this week in the Camden East

With respect to owls it is not shaping up to be a banner year.The Owl Woods
on Amherst I.can only reliably produce one each of long-eared and
barred.There have been 5 snowy owls reported to date:3 on Amherst and 2 on

At 3:00p.m. today I saw a great blue heron winging its way southward coming
from the direction of Odessa Lake.Smart bird!

I trust everyone will get in some great birding what with all the Christmas
counts forthcoming.

Peter Good
Kingston Field Naturalists
phone    613 378 6605

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