* New York
* Buffalo
* 01/19/2006
* NYBU0601.19
- Birds mentioned

  Please phone in any rare sightings so they
  may be shared via the DAB telephone update
  system, and submit email contributions directly
  to dfsuggs at localnet com.
  Thank you, David

  Tundra Swan
  Trumpeter Swan
  Mute Swan
  Greater Scaup
  Long-tailed Duck
  Hooded Merganser
  Ruddy Duck
  Bald Eagle
  Northern Harrier
  Cooper's Hawk
  Ring-necked Pheasant
  Wild Turkey
  Little Gull
  Glaucous Gull
  Great Horned Owl
  Northern Flicker
  Horned Lark
  Carolina Wren
  Eastern Bluebird
  Hermit Thrush
  White-cr. Sparrow
  Lapland Longspur

- Transcript
  Hotline: Dial-a-Bird at the Buffalo Museum of Science
  Date:             01/16/2006
  Number:           716-896-1271
  To Report:        Same
  Compiler:         David F. Suggs (dfsuggs at localnet com)
  Coverage:         Western New York and adjacent Ontario
  Transcriber:      David F. Suggs
  Website:          www.BOSBirding.org

  Thursday, January 19, 2006

  Dial-a-Bird is a service provided by your Buffalo Museum of
  Science and this answering system was donated by the Buffalo
  Ornithological Society. Press (2) to leave a message, (3)
  for updates, meeting and field trip information and (4) for
  instructions on how to report sightings and use this system.
  To contact the Science Museum, call 896-5200.

  Highlights of reports received January 12 through January 19
  from the Niagara Frontier Region include NORTHERN HAWK-OWL,

  The NORTHERN HAWK-OWL was still present in the Lake Ontario
  Plains on January 17, in the Orleans County Town of Yates,
  on Route 63 just north of Route 18.

  Nearby in Yates, a SNOWY OWL, three miles west of Route 63,
  to the north of Route 18. In the same large field, 23
  LAPLAND LONGSPURS with HORNED LARKS, seen from Countyline
  north of Route 18.

  Also in the lake plains, up to 5 SHORT-EARED OWLS in the
  Town of Porter, generally in the fields along Dickersonville
  Road between Youngstown-Wilson Road and Route 18. On January
  14, the owls were seen at the unexpected time of 11:30 AM.
  CR. SPARROW also at this location.

  From Dunkirk Harbor, January 15, a SNOWY OWL in the docks to
  the west of the main pier. Plus, GLAUCOUS GULL, BALD EAGLE,
  COOPER'S HAWK and nine waterfowl species.

  January 13, at Dufferine Island Park in Niagara Falls,
  Ontario, a very rare in winter PINE WARBLER, at a feeding
  area near the exit of the park loop road.

  Several reports from the upper Niagara River on January 15.
  CACKLING GOOSE among flocks of CANADA GEESE at two locations
  - Fort Erie, Ontario, and the same or a second CACKLING
  GOOSE across the river at the north end of Squaw Island Park
  in Buffalo.  LONG-TAILED DUCKS are common to abundant on the
  lower river and Lake Ontario, but two LONG-TAILED DUCKS on
  the west branch of the Niagara at Grand Island were a rare
  occurrence. Three swan species - 10 TUNDRA SWANS at Beaver
  Island State Park, and two each of TRUMPETER SWAN and MUTE
  SWAN in Fort Erie. Also on the river, 1000 GREATER SCAUP at
  Navy Island; above Niagara Falls, Ontario, a good count of
  35 HOODED MERGANSERS; a single RUDDY DUCK at Strawberry
  Island and one LITTLE GULL at the sanddocks in Queenston,

  January 15 in the Orleans County Town of Shelby, a COMMON
  GRACKLE at a feeder on Hemlock Ridge Road.

  Other report this week - small flocks of EASTERN BLUEBIRDS
  surprised observers in Elma, Lancaster and East Aurora.
  EASTERN BLUEBIRDS are uncommon but regular winter residents
  in the region. GREAT HORNED OWL along the Robert Moses
  Parkway near Pletcher Road in Lewiston. At Natureview Park
  off North French Road in Amherst, 3 NORTHERN FLICKERS and 54
  WILD TURKEYS. On Dietz Road, to east of Golden Hill State
  Park in Somerset, CAROLINA WREN and HERMIT THRUSH. And, in
  Cambria, a RING-NECKED PHEASANT along Route 104.

  Dial-a-Bird will be updated Thursday evening, January 26.
  Please call in your sightings by noon Thursday. You may
  report sightings after the tone. Thank you for calling and
  reporting to Dial-a-Bird.

- End Transcript

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