Returning from a superb day of down-hill skiing at Calabogie Peaks, on Tuesday March 7th at 5pm I saw and photographed a Great Grey Owl perched close to the road. It was about a 5-10 minutes drive south from the Village of Calabogie on Hwy 511 (aka Lanark Rd), at civic # 10805. (see MapArt pg. 64, near Renfrew).

Judging from many GG Owl observations elsewhere during the 2005 irruption, I could see that the habitat along here is perfect, and the time-of-day seemed excellent to find a GG Owl. So, a few minutes before, I had stated that we just might find one here - and indeed we promptly did. This beautiful mountain-district is probably underbirded... but it is superb for owling and prowling.

Best Pishes,

Ken Kingdon

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