Hi Birders,


Mike and I birded the Long Point area and came up with some good stuff. The
highlight definitely was seeing a drake Eurasian Wigeon at the Townsend
Sewage Lagoons, in the South-west Cell. Also at Townsend was a flock of 13
Cackling Geese amongst ~500 Canada's, Tundra Swans (500), Ring-necked Ducks,
American Wigeon, Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal, and Common Goldeneye,
there was also an Eastern Meadowlark in the field to the east of the


Long Point was very foggy this morning but there were about 2500 Tundra
Swans in the Inner Bay, fairly close to the Big Creek parking lot.  Also at
this location were most of the ducks including 6 Blue-winged Teal, 4
Northern Shovelers, 4 Wood Ducks, quite a few American Coots, and a single
Pied-billed Grebe.  


The biggest concentration of ducks was at Booth's Harbour where there was
probably at least 10-15 thousand waterfowl, mostly Redheads and Canvasbacks
but with most other expected ducks mixed in.


Killdeers, Grackles, Red-wings, Cowbirds, and Robins were widespread and
abundant.  Other highlights were Sandhill Cranes calling from somewhere in
Big Creek, and Eastern Towhee singing at Old Cut.


Directions to the Townsend lagoons: Turn west from Highway 6 to # 69
(between Hagersville & Jarvis) to Townsend. Turn left (south) on Keith
Richardson Parkway. Go to Concession 14 (school bus shack with air
conditioner), turn right (west) and go about 750 m.


Long Point: take Hwy. 59 south to the lake



Good Birding,

Kenny Burrell

Heidelberg, Ont.



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