Good evening birders

 Today Margaret Liubavicus and I birded the Toronto Islands and despite the 
forecast it was a nice day to be out, a little windy but not too bad.

 We did manage to find a good number of bird species spread thru-out The 
Islands with pockets of birds here and there away from the wind. There are lots 
of insects out now (some in clouds) for the birds to fatten up on and to get in 
your eyes or mouth.

  It started out well at the Wards Island end with 7 Warbler species and great 
views of a perched (in a tree) juvenile Peregrine Falcon and went up hill from 
there. Following are some of our birds.

 Canvasbacks (still in the trout pond), Great Egret, the Peregrine Falcon, 
Belted Kingfishers, Great-crested Flycatchers, E. Kingbird, Blue-headed and 
Red-eyed Vireos, Carolina, House and Winter Wrens, 19 Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, 5 
Swallow species (missed Bank), 18 Warbler species including 4 N. Parulas, Cape 
May, Bay-breasted, Blackpoll, and Ovenbirds, Lincoln's Sparrow, 4 male Scarlet 
Tanagers, 28 Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, and 6  Bobolinks and Margaret found 2 
male Indigo Buntings. 

  Another good reason to bird the very UNDERBIRDED islands.

TORONTO ISLANDS (Wards Island to Hanlans Point - without side trips is 5 km)
To get to the Toronto Islands from Queen and Yonge Streets on the TTC. If your 
on the subway

southbound stay on it and get off at Union Station, walk south about 1 km to 
the ferry docks at the

foot of Bay Street at Queens Quay and you are there. If in an auto on the 
Gardener Expressway

or on Lakeshore Blvd, then exit at Bay Street and drive south to Queens Quay, 
there are lots of

parking lots nearby (fee).

There is a fee for using the island ferries ($6.00 adult / $3.50 for seniors & 
students) and to find out the sailing times you can phone (416) 392-8193. There 
are washrooms on the islands as well as the city side at the ferry docks and 
you can pick up a schedule at the docks or check on line.

The 1st boat to Wards Island (my preferred starting point) is 6:35 am and the 
2nd is 7:00 am Monday

to Friday. 

The 1st is at 6:35 am and the 2nd boat is at 7:15 am on Saturday, Sunday and 

The 1st boat to Hanlans Point is 8:00 am and the 2nd boat is at 8:30 am Monday 
to Friday.

The 1st is at 8:15 am and the 2nd boat is at 9:15 am on Saturday, Sunday and 

If arriving in early am you must obtain your ticket from a machine just inside 
the gate so be sure to have $1.00 and $2.00 and/or 25 cent coins before you 
arrive at the docks as there is no place to get change and the machine does not 
make change. (There is a change machine there if you want to chance it).

There are coffee shops across from the ferry docks in the building on the 
northwest corner and they are open early. food and beverages on The Islands 
when open are very expensive i.e. soft drink $3.00 plus.

For a detailed ferry schedule check the following web site. 

For a detailed ferry schedule check the following web site. 


There is a map of the Islands at each of the Island side ferry docks and the 
City side.

Another PS

If you have access to PDF then I can send an Island map if you contact me in 

Norm Murr

Richmond Hill, ON

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