Sunny and hot at Nonquon lagoons today. Water levels very high with all the 
recent heavy rain, except for the second pond where they are dredging. Access 
restored, provided you have a permit. No barriers anywhere as yet.
Only one backhoe at work but other machinery about.
Shorebirds underwhelming - almost all in the second pond -
Lesser Yellowlegs        56
Greater Yellowlegs        6
Solitary Sandpiper         3
Least Sandpiper           34
Pectoral Sandpiper        1
Wilson's Phalarope        1juv
Killdeer                        17
Spotties                        8

Very few waterfowl.
55 Black Terns, most resting on mudbanks.
7 Caspian Terns.
1 female Ring-necked Pheasant.

Permits may be purchased at the Durham Region Transfer Station at 1623 Reach 
Rd, Port Perry on Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from 8:00 am to 4:00 
pm and Thursday from 8:00 am to 6 pm.  
To get to the Transfer Station, go north on Hwy 12 past Port Perry to the next 
traffic lights [Regional Road 8 = Reach Rd.] and travel east to #1623 on the 
north side of the road.
The lagoons are one road north of the Transfer Station, east off Hwy 12 on 
Concession Rd. 8 [don't get confused as, despite the fact that these roads are 
both numbered "8", they are two different roads - one is a Regional paved road, 
the other a dirt Concession road.]
Please do not enter these lagoons without a valid permit. Last year's permit is 
not useable this year and every person must have their own.

Margaret Bain

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