Good evening stay at homes and field birders.

 Today Alfred Adamo took me to Presqu'ile for Shorebirds and despite the lack 
of directions to the park we found it and we were not disappointed in our 
shorebird quest. We found the previously reported Buff-breasted Sandpiper 
(possibly 2), and not one but 2 Western Sandpipers.

 Some other birds we found as we wandered around were Pied-billed Grebe, Great 
Egret, Bonaparte's Gulls, lots of Common and Caspian Terns, 7 Greater Scaup, 
Common Loon, 13 shorebird species that included besides the 2 above species 
Ruddy Turnstones, Sanderling, 10 Baird's Sandpipers, Pectoral Sandpipers, both 
Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs, and many Semipalmated Sandpipers and 
Semipalmated Plovers, 2 or maybe 3 Black-billed Cuckoos, 6 Ruby-throated 
Hummingbirds (as we stood on Owen Point 5 Hummingbirds shot out of the willows 
and quickly flew out of sight over the lake), Belted Kingfishers, 
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, a family of 3 House Wrens, Swainson's Thrush, 10 
Warbler species including Mourning and Canada, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and lots 
of the usual suspects.

 Despite the high humidity it was a very nice day to be out birding, no wind 
and no burning sun.


PRESQU’ILE PROVINCIAL PARK (Fee- $10.00 per auto per day for you young guys and 
$8.00 for an old guy like me). I don't know the hours but they are available on 
the Internet and besides you can go in during all the daylight hours so who 
cares about the hours of operation ?
Exit Hwy 401 at exit # 509 and drive south on County Rd 30 straight through 
Brighton going straight down Cedar St. to Harbour St. Turn right (west) here 
and follow Harbour St. to Lakeshore Rd and turn left (south). You will almost 
immediately pass through the park gate (FEE, see above). Drive straight ahead 
and follow the signs directing you to the Owen Point Trail, the Lighthouse and 
other birdie areas.


 If you are not shy then you may want to post your Presqu'ile sightings on 
Ontbirds as this will be of interest of resident birder and all around birders 
friend and helper Fred Helleiner, I know he will appreciate the info.

Norm Murr

Richmond Hill, ON

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