Over 190 registrants at the OFO Annual Convention in Ottawa this past
weekend were treated to an excellent two days of birding on field trips
led by local experts. The combined trips list from areas which included
Andrew Hayden Park, Shirley's Bay, Innis Point Bird Observatory,
Britannia Conservation Area, Alfred Bog and Alfred Sewage Lagoon, and
Lake Dore and Westmeath Provincial Park produced a remarkable
total of 138 species.

Birds of special interest included: Golden Eagle, Pomarine Jaeger, Iceland
Gull, Northern Mockingbird, an eastern Palm Warbler, Clay-colored Sparrow,
Le Conte's Sparrow, and Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow (3).
On behalf of OFO, I would like to thank the trip leaders for their great
efforts in finding birds and showing them to participants (especially during
Sunday's rain!). It was a great convention!

See you next year for OFO's 25th Anniversary Convention at Point Pelee
on October 13-14. Mark your calendar now.

Good birding.


Ron Tozer
Dwight, Ontario
2006 OFO Convention Master of Ceremonies.

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