The weather in Ottawa, Ontario was great again today. I decided to take a quick trip to Casselman to have another look at the Cattle Egret. I arrived there after 12:30pm. The Cattle Egret was once again found feeding near the few horses on the farm at 545 Route 500, North of Casselman. After watching it for a bit I took a walk on the path along the lagoons. When I came back to the spot overlooking the property at 545 Route 500, I could still the horses but no Cattle Egret. At the exact moment I was wondering where it might have gone, the Cattle Egret flew right over my head to the left from the direction of the lagoon back toward the field. When it had gone some distance away I lost sight of it in the bright blue sky. After a minute or so I spotted it again flying back toward the horse stall (my guess as to what that structure is) area on the property. It landed right on top of that building not too far from the main dwelling. If the bird does have any habits it would seem that it takes a rest after 1pm. It rested in the same area yesterday afternoon right around the same time. I left the lagoon area and drove up to the house and parked well off the road. I asked the owners, who were working in the front, if I could have a close look at the Cattle Egret and they were more than obliging. They are very friendly people.

A photo from this afternoon while the bird was perched on top of that building. The bird hardly paid me any attention as I approached it cautiously. It perched there for quite some time but eventually took off (back to the horses).

Casselman sewage lagoons: directions courtesy of Neily World[EMAIL PROTECTED]/sewage7.htm

Ottawa, Ontario.

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