With a mild easterly wind and falling BP we did not expect a raptor flight on Nov.22 at the Cranberry Marsh Raptor Watch. Five of us "devoted" 2 hours to scanning the surroundings for "other" birds-- the numbers of "resident" raptors were few--3 N.Harriers, 2 Red-taileds, 1 Sharp-shinned and 1 Cooper's; an early-AM NORTHERN FLICKER was caught on camera at the platform's suet cake. Jim Fairchild heard a SNOW BUNTING. Nearby birds included-- white-throated sparrow, red-breasted nuthatch, swamp sparrow, kingfisher, and, on the wetland-- Am.Coot, female Lesser Scaup, N.Shovelers, Green-winged Teal, mallards, black ducks.

A reminder to photographers--if you intend to come down before and after the
CMRW closes down, please bring bird feed (bear in mind that the large
garbage pail will not be available for storage after Nov.30)

Nov.22- 2 hrs.; mild E wind; falling BP; TUV=1; -2 to 5C

Counter-Doug Lockrey
Observers-- Dan Kaczynski, Jim Fairchild, Geoff Carpentier, Jim Skeine, Fred Horst, Karl Jennewein

Species            Day's Count    Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Turkey Vulture               0              224136
Osprey                       0                 158
Bald Eagle                   0                 57
Northern Harrier             16            225
Sharp-shinned Hawk          0          1795
Cooper's Hawk                0             165
Northern Goshawk             0             17
Red-shouldered Hawk          0           69
Broad-winged Hawk            0          974
Red-tailed Hawk               0                 1620
Rough-legged Hawk            0            29
Golden Eagle                 0              17
American Kestrel             0            659
Merlin                              0             30
Peregrine Falcon             0              19
Unknown                      0              82

Total:                         1                8179

Observation start time: 09:00
Observation end   time: 11:00
Total observation time: 2 hours

Eastbound on the 401--exit onto Salem Rd. in Ajax--south to Bayly, east through LakeRidge Rd. to the first street--south on Hall's Rd. to the second parling area near the lakefront. Westbound on the 401--exit onto Brock St. (Whitby)--south to Victoria, west over the Lynde Shores CA causeway to Hall's Rd..

Doug Lockrey, Whitby

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