* New York
* Buffalo
* 05/17/2007
* NYBU0705.17
- Birds mentioned
---------------------------------------------------------- Please phone in any rare sightings so they may be shared via the DAB telephone update system, and submit email contributions directly to dfsuggs localnet com.
 Thank you, David

 Red-necked Grebe
 D.-crest. Cormorant
 Long-tailed Duck
 White-winged Scoter
 Iceland Gull
 Black-billed Cuckoo
 Common Nighthawk
 Chimney Swift
 Eastern Wood-Pewee
 Yellow-b. Flycatcher
 Gray Catbird
 Brown Thrasher
 Blue-headed Vireo
 Yellow-thr. Vireo
 Warbling Vireo
 Philadelphia Vireo
 Red-eyed Vireo
 Blue-winged Warbler
 Tennessee Warbler
 Nashville Warbler
 Northern Parula
 Yellow Warbler
 Chestnut-s. Warbler
 Magnolia Warbler
 Cape May Warbler
 Bl.-thr. Bl. Warbler
 Yellow-r. Warbler
 Bl.-thr. Green Warb.
 Blackburnian Warbler
 Yellow-thr. Warbler
 Pine Warbler
 Prairie Warbler
 Palm Warbler
 Bay-breasted Warbler
 Blackpoll Warbler
 Bl. and w. Warbler
 American Redstart
 Northern Waterthrush
 La. Waterthrush
 Mourning Warbler
 Common Yellowthroat
 Hooded Warbler
 Wilson's Warbler
 Canada Warbler
 Scarlet Tanager
 Lincoln's Sparrow
 Baltimore Oriole

- Transcript
 Hotline: Dial-a-Bird at the Buffalo Museum of Science
 Date:             05/17/2007
 Number:           716-896-1271
 To Report:        Same
 Compiler:         David F. Suggs (dfsuggs at localnet com)
 Coverage:         Western New York and adjacent Ontario
 Website:          www.BOSBirding.org

 Thursday, May 17, 2007

Dial-a-Bird is a service provided by your Buffalo Museum of Science and this answering system was donated by the Buffalo Ornithological Society. Press (2) to leave a message, (3) for updates, meeting and field trip information and (4) for instructions on how to report sightings and use this system. To contact the Science Museum, call 896-5200.

Highlights of reports received May 10 through May 17 from the Niagara Frontier Region include BL.-HEADED GROSBEAK, GLOSSY IBIS, WESTERN MEADOWLARK, CATTLE EGRET and peak migration.

An exceptional rarity in the Niagara County Town of Newfane - a confirmed photo of a male BL.-HEADED GROSBEAK. The grosbeak was present for several days at a feeder before it was identified, and was last seen on the 11th. The only prior record of BL.-HEADED GROSBEAK in the BOS archives was in January 1962.

 May 17 in the Iroquois Refuge, a GLOSSY IBIS at Cayuga Pool.

In Chautauqua County, a WESTERN MEADOWLARK continues at the parking area at the Ripley Hawkwatch on Route 5, north of Forsythe Road. The CATTLE EGRET on Morely Road north of Route 324 in North Harmony has not been seen since May 12.

From Saint Catharines, Ontario, a possible KING RAIL was heard on May 16, at the Green Ribbon Trail Park, on Martindale Road, north from the QEW.

Migration is at the spring peak, with reports of over 26 warbler species this week. A reported SWAINSON'S WARBLER May 11 on property in the Cattaraugus County Town of Dayton. At Allegany State Park, YELLOW-THR. WARBLER has returned to a breeding site on Red House Lake in the conifers between Road 1 and Service Road. Along Ellicott Creek in Amherst State Park, several reports of over 20 warbler species included a PRAIRIE WARBLER in the spruces by the golf course, and a MOURNING WARBLER. Also five vireo species - YELLOW-THR. VIREO, BLUE-HEADED VIREO, WARBLING VIREO, PHILADELPHIA VIREO and RED-EYED VIREO, plus BLACK-BILLED CUCKOO, YELLOW-B. FLYCATCHER, EASTERN WOOD-PEWEE, SCARLET TANAGER and LINCOLN'S SPARROW.

Reports from Buffalo this week - a rare in spring COMMON NIGHTHAWK over Shirley Avenue. At South Park Lake, 3 D.- CREST. CORMORANTS. 6 CHIMNEY SWIFTS over Hertel Avenue. CANADA WARBLER in Delaware Park. And, in Cathedral Park in downtown Buffalo, SCARLET TANAGER in the same tree with a BROWN THRASHER.

Other reports - off the Wilson Pier on Lake Ontario, 28 BRANT, with LONG-TAILED DUCKS, ICELAND GULL and WHITE-WINGED SCOTER. A new high count for May - 11 RED-NECKED GREBES on the Niagara River off Buckhorn Island State Park. The night of May 15, abundant THRUSH calls were heard over Tonawanda. LA. WATERTHRUSH at the Silver Creek lower Reservoir in Hanover. BLACKPOLL WARBLERS at several locations. BOBOLINKS on Dennis Road in Evans and Hopper Road in Hanover. And, at a jelly feeder in Hamburg, BALTIMORE ORIOLES and two GRAY CATBIRDS.

Dial-a-Bird will be updated Thursday evening, May 24. Please call in your sightings by noon Thursday. You may report sightings after the tone. Thank you for calling and reporting to Dial-a-Bird.

- End Transcript

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