Greetings Ontbirders,

This morning I visited Presqu'ile to check on the shorebird situation and was amazed to find four roadkilled Dunlin at 0630h on the causeway bridge leading into Presqu'ile. There is no exposed mud or other habitat for the birds in the adjacent marsh, and I can only assume that they were roosting on the road. They were still warm and had not become stiff yet so I think they had only been dead for an hour or two. All birds were extremely fat. In 35 years of studying shorebirds at Presqu'ile I have never seen this before - very odd.

Shorebirds were basically similar to yesterday with most birds roosting (not feeding) on Gull Island, a few dozen on the gravel bar off Owen Pt., and others scattered along the natural and raked beach shoreline where ever algae had piled up. There were also about 20 birds feeding in a tiny remnenat pond at the very north end of the beach that MNR has not yet drained or filled in as part of their "beach beautification" program.

Shorebirds included: 1 Semi Plover, 6 Killdeer (local breeders), 6 Spotted Sandpiper (local breeders), 1 Ruddy Turnstone, 1 Red Knot, 44 Semi Sandpiper, 10 Least Sandpiper, 2 W-r Sandpiper, 200 Dunlin, 3 Sb Dowitcher (1 hendersoni, 2 griseus).

Offshore in Popham Bay there were 18 Rb Mergansers, 1 Com Loon and 1 Lt Duck. At various points around the park I heard/saw 5 singing Mourning Warblers and at least 25 Blackpolls. Along Paxton Drive there was a male Orchard Oriole and a Rb Woodpecker.



Doug McRae Nature Services
P.O. Box 3010
Brighton, Ontario
Canada K0K 1H0

Directions: Presqu'ile is located south of Brighton, on the north shore of Lake Ontario. Take the Brighton exit from Hwy. 401 and go south into town then follow the signs to the park. Owen Pt. is the southern end of the Presqu'ile beach.

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