The second Cackling Goose of the fall was reported last Saturday from just
east of the city along the St. Lawrence River and the annual build-up of
waterfowl in the Cataraqui River continues. Last weekend there were 40 Am.
Coots, 20 Pied-billed Grebes, 50 Ring-necked Ducks, and 450 American Wigeon.
The Amherstview sewage lagoons have not been too productive this fall but a
Ruddy Duck and 40 Lesser Scaup on Thanksgiving Day were noteworthy.
The excellent fall for plovers is ongoing with 2 more Am. Golden on Amherst
Island, with 8 Black-bellied and 5 Semipalmated on Friday and another 10 Am.
Golden at the 4th Line golf course on Wolfe Island last Saturday. Peeps seem
to have pretty much passed through with only one Least Sandpiper reported
this week. Dunlin numbers, however, are on the increase; 21 were on the bar
at Amherst last Friday. A few Greater Yellowlegs remain, 6 on Amherst on
Friday and 2 more just west of Bath yesterday.
Another Nelson's Sharp-tailed Sparrow was found in the marsh on Amherst on
Saturday; that's 4 reported this year. That small number is in sharp
contrast to the huge numbers of White-crowned Sparrows that seem to be
moving through my backyard this fall.

Peter Good
Kingston Field Naturalists
613 378-6605

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