The Eurasian Wigeon remains at Elevator Bay but the hybrid American/Eurasian
has not been seen since first reported last Monday. A single Brant is
lingering on the east end of Amherst Island and among the many other
waterfowl at that location were 15 Redheads and 10 Black Scoters on Sunday.
There were 2 Mute Swans in Elevator Bay on Monday and a single Ruddy Duck.
Ruddy Ducks were also reported from Hay Bay and Amherst Island.

Hawk sightings included 3 Rough-legged on Wolfe Island on Sunday and another
near Odessa yesterday. Two  N. Goshawks were reported; one on Wolfe last
Sunday and another on Amherst on Monday. There was also a Red-shouldered
Hawk on Amherst that same day. Owl numbers are not yet spectacular (only
Saw-whet and Long-eared mentioned) and we have not had a Snowy to date.
Their average arrival is Nov. 5th but they have been here as early as Oct.

Shorebird numbers continue to drop, as expected, but five species;
Black-bellied Plover, Semipalmated Plover, Greater Yellowlegs, Dunlin, and
Am. Woodcock were reported.

Winter finches continue to move through. Pine Siskin numbers vary from day
to day at local feeders and the feeder at Camden East had 2 more Evening
Grosbeaks last Saturday but none all week. Common Redpolls are trickling
southwards; 4 on Amherst on Monday and another 2 yesterday. A singleton
visited a feeder out Montreal Street on Monday. A  Pine Grosbeak on Amherst
yesterday was a welcome sight as there were none around at all last winter.

Sixty Snow Buntings on Amherst last Monday was a taste of things to come but
a late Blackpoll Warbler in the same location yesterday must have been a bit
of a surprise.



Peter Good

Kingston Field Naturalists

613 378-6605


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