Hi OntBirders.
The Ruffed Grouse was at the Hilda Road feeders again today. Just like the previous 3 days, it showed up in the early afternoon (1:00 pm this time). It didn't stay as long as on previous visits. The feeders weren't as active as on other days. Earlier in the morning, a Coopers Hawk captured a bird right on the side of the road (Hilda) opposite the feeders. You can still see some feathers in the snow where it apparently happened. Thanks to the 3 birders who alerted me to it and the people still there who told me about it when I got there. Apparently the the hawk caught a Mourning Dove (not confirmed). As if that weren't enough, a Merlin showed up at around 12:30pm. It perched momentarily at the top of a tree in the same field as the feeders before perching somewhere behind it. The raptor parade continued as all the birds flushed once again later as a hawk (Coopers or Sharp-shinned....didn't get a close enough look) flew low across the snow at the far end of the feeders. All the raptor activity may be a contributing factor to the lower than normal activity at the feeders in the afternoon. The Pileated woodpecker showed up offering great close-up looks at it along with Hairy woodpeckers. Francine Streeting reports the Barred Owl reported yesterday on March Valley Road was quite active early in the afternoon. Quite a number of photographers were treated to some photo ops of the owl. Happy birding.

Ruffed Grouse.

W. Hum

Directions to Shirley's Bay area (Rifle Road, Hild Road feeders) courtesy
http://ca.geocities.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/orwo21.htm

Directions to Barred Owl courtesy Neily World: http://ca.geocities.com/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]/orwo24.htm

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