----- Original Message ----- 
From: tom thomas 
To: Subject: Hamilton CBC preliminary results

           Here are the preliminary results of the 2007 Hamilton Christmas Bird 
Count, held on December 26th. 2007.
      On a cool -4 degrees C, relatively calm but foggy morning, 85 
participants set out to count birds in the field, at the lake, or at their 
birdfeeders.  The temperature settled in for most of the day at -2 degrees C. 
There was a hint of hoar frost on the pines and the tall weeds, and it was 
tricky underfoot on some of the woodland trails.  In some of the outlying areas 
it was too foggy to see or identify birds in flight, and on the lake, counters 
had difficulty determining the number of ducks that were scattered over the 
lake, with many too far out, and at the limits of the counters ability to 
identify them.  
           The total number of birds counted was 63,046,  which is below the 
last ten year average of 70,228.
           Thanks to the influx of some of the northern finches, we broke the 
old individual species count record of 102 set in 2004, by one, so the new 
individual species count record now stands at 103.    
           It also appears that the common woodland and garden species are 
becoming even more common with new record counts for the following 
                                                            Old Record          
                                    New Record
               Mourning Dove                              1,507                 
               Black-capped Chickadee               2,109                       
               Northern Cardinal                             598                
               Red-breasted Nuthatch                      81                    

               American Goldfinch                       1,005                   

               Red-bellied Woodpecker                     33                    

               Downy Woodpecker                          288                    

               The number of Hoary Redpolls counted this year ( 5 ) broke the 
old record of ( 1 ) seen in 1993.

            On the lake and Inland waters we broke count records 

                                                             Old Record         
                                   New Record

               Trumpeter Swan                              106                  

               Mute Swan                                      85                

               Lesser Black-backed Gull                    1                    

               Mallard x American Black Duck         44                         

               Red-breasted Merganser                  285                      

               Hooded Merganser                            48                   

               Iceland Gull                                        7            

         There were low counts for the following species.............American 
Crow, Horned Lark, Snow Bunting, Brown-headed Cowbird, Purple Finch, 
Ring-billed Gull,  Herring Gull, Northern Pintail, Greater Scaup, Canvasback, 
and Redhead. 
         We missed on the Wood Duck, and American Wigeon.
         Up to this point, only one count week species has been 
tallied.........Evening Grosbeak.

                   Regards......Tom Thomas,  Compiler .....Hamilton Christmas 
Bird Count..

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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