Hi Blake----Dianne and I found 6/8 Red Crossbills today at a Park in Burlington----they are Life birds for us---Do we get these birds around Ontario much? Do you have any records of them?---I had 2 White Winged at my feeder in Chatham a few years ago--- You guys had a bad day for your CBC but did pretty well anyhow the next week--Good for you----Irene was happy about her Harris' Sp. We went to Brantford today again and got 6 Partridge--last week we three went and got 4[ Joanne was home from Vancouver]---at the Airport---today we were at #37 Green Rd. off Robinson and the Lady told us she had 8 the other day and has had them for years and years----she told us if we did not see them today to leave our name and number in her mailbox and she would phone and tell us when they were there----nice Gal. But a Guy spotted them over slight slope----also today had the Tufted Titmouse in Burlington--got the Hawk Owl again yesterday. So have my list started for this year----slowly!!! Good Birding ---Dot

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