Hello Ontbirders,

I did the Presqu'ile section of the mid-winter waterfowl survey today and had some interesting birds. I recorded 6943 individuals representing 18 spp. of waterfowl between the Barcovan channel (joining the west end of Weller's Bay with Lake Ontario) and Wicklow Boat launch.

The best finds were already known birds - a male Barrow's Goldeneye off the Presqu'ile lighthouse, and a female Harlequin Duck in the channel between Gull and High Bluff Island. Also notable was an Am. Coot off the Government Dock on Bayshore Rd., Presqu'ile, along with two Lesser Scaup there and 6 more off Gull Is. There was a new record high for Mute Swans (464), all but about 50 in Presqu'ile Bay. Mixed in were 8 Tundra and one Trumpeter. Other interesting sightings included an imm. Bald Eagle in Presqu'ile Bay, 3 Glaucous and 2 Iceland Gull on Gull Is., and two Eastern Bluebirds on Barnes Rd., between the two sets of railway tracks. Barnes Rd. is about 6 km west of Brighton and runs south from Hwy. 2 to Lake Ontario.


Doug McRae

Doug McRae Nature Services
P.O. Box 3010
Brighton, Ontario
Canada K0K 1H0

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