Hi Folks,
Well thanks to the York Region tips this week, I took a drive up to Ravenshoe, 
it was sunny and -13 this morning, add the howling winds and it was easily -20. 
 I would have seen nothing but blowing snow, if it were not for a chap setting 
up his birding scope at mailbox #282, thanks for the view, sorry I didn't get 
your name.  The Owl was way out in a burm  south side of the road, with its 
head just popping up above the ground, virtually invisible to the naked eye.  I 
tried a few photos, but my 400mm was not nearly strong enough, binoculars gave 
a decent view. If you look on the North side of mailbox #282 there is a stand 
of trees with many rather large nests, I suspect a decent Blue Heron nesting 
I then drove north up Leslie (Queen) to Keswick and followed the shoreline. 
Before I hit Woodbine, I was lucky enought to spot a Juvenile Bald Eagle not 
far off shore resting on the ice. I managed to get a few photos of the bird in 
the strong winds, nothing spectacular I was on the leading edge of the snow 
squalls. The Eagle then flew towards the North East part of Snake Island. 
Shortly after the snow was so heavy, visibility was virtually a few feet. On 
the way back, thru Hedge Lane "the Briars" I saw one white-breasted nuthatch 
and one black-capped chickadee, the usual suspects. Saw a Coyote in the fields 
exiting at Elgin Mills and 404.  I should also note, when I started on my 
journey, and hopped on the 404 North, I saw 4 hawks which is not unusual in 
fact I tend to see a lot more on the drive up the 404.  What was interesting 
was the fact they were paired in 2's one pair just north of Elgin Mills on the 
West side, and another pair near Bloomington
 again on the West side out of the wind.  Perhaps ready for spring nesting? 
Sorry I wasn't able to stop and identify the species, I suspect Red Tails with 
the first pair.
All in all not a bad outing. I am working on posting my photos on Flickr, will 
provide a link to my postings in the future for those of you who enjoy viewing 
the birds.
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birding organization.
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