Sunday February 24, 2008
   Humber Bay Park West
   7:00 - 10:00 AM

    Along the Southeast point of the park I watched 2 Horned Grebes rest and 
feed amongst a large raft of Greater Scaup.  Just around the corner from the 
Southeast point a single White-Winged Scoter was also feeding.  Afterwards I 
moved along to the parking near the lighthouse and marina on the Southwest side 
of the park.  At the trash can a very brave Northern Mockingbird was feeding in 
the garbage.  As I walked along the West Side of the point there were 6-7 
American Coots feeding amongst some Scaup and further up, nearly 10 or so 
White-winged Scoter's were mingling with some Long-tailed Ducks.  It was a 
great morning for birding, as there were plenty of the regular overwintering 
ducks present throughout the park.
Bird On!!

Josh Mansell


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