The ice in Lake Erie has finally freed its grip on Point Pelee and there is
open water on all three sides of the Tip. With the protection of the ice
over the winter there is a “Tip” of about 60 metres of sand south of where
the trail ends. While the ice is gone, few ducks were present with Common
Merganser, Common Goldeneye and Greater Scaup the most common species

While the big snow of March 8 th still dominates the understory of Point
Pelee a number of new migrants have been observed over the past week.
Common Grackle is, as its name implies, common. A number of Fox Sparrow
were observed at various locations in the park including the Tip Boardwalk
area, Woodland Trail, Sparrow Field and the road south of the visitor
centre. American Woodcock was also observed adjacent to the road just south
of the visitor centre. Eastern Towhee was on the West Beach Trail near the
West Beach parking lot, and Pine Warbler, the first non over-wintering
Warbler for the year was seen with the over-wintering Yellow-rumped Warbler
at the south end of the West Beach Trail near the train turn-around area.

A Northern Goshawk was seen flying over the Park on several days, including
March 15th and 16th. The Rough-legged Hawk that has been in the Onion
Fields for most of the winter was also spreading its wings over the Park.

Dabbling ducks were concentrated in the dyke along Concession Road E just
outside the Park as the Marsh is still frozen over. Species noted included:
Canvasback, Redhead, American Widgeon and Green-winged Teal.

Tundra Swans were in almost every field with corn stubble in it on
Concession Roads B, C & D, Concession Road 19 and County Road 20 outside of
the Park, with over 500 swans alone in one field at the north-east corner
of Concession B and Concession  Road 19. Two Sandhill Crane were also noted
in this same location.

Wheatley Harbour is also now almost free of ice, but still very few gulls
around. The only species seen was Ring-billed.

Visitors to Point Pelee National Park should note that the bridge over the
Sturgeon Creek from the Bevel Line Road to Point Pelee Drive is closed for
repair until April 18, 2008. To access the Park go east on Seacliff Drive
East from Erie Street South in Leamington. Continue east on Seacliff Drive
past the Bevel Line turn-off to Concession Road 12. Turn Right on
Concession 12 and join up with Point Pelee Drive at Paula's Restaurant.

Submitted by Todd Pepper for Friends of Point Pelee.

Save this date: May 9th, 2008 @5:30 PM
Annual Fundraising Dinner
"Coming Home: Return of Western Lake Erie's and Detroit River's Charismatic
Presented by: Dr. John Hartig-Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge
$60 per person ($25 tax receipt will be issued)

Janice Rogers, General Manager
Friends of Point Pelee
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