Despite the lingering winter there is some open water at this end of Lake
Ontario. The south shore of Amherst Island is completely ice-free and there
is a large section from the Lennox Generating Station west towards Sandhurst
that is open. Both of these areas are loaded with hundreds of waterfowl,
nothing out of the ordinary, but impressive nevertheless because of the
large numbers and the intermixing of so many species. Away from these two
areas the only sightings of note were 3 Double-crested Cormorants in the
Dupont lagoon on Tuesday and 3 Canvasbacks at Gananoque on Wednesday.

There have been several reports of Killdeer, E. Meadowlark, Song Sparrow,
and Am. Woodcock this week and a few more Turkey Vultures to add to the list
of new arrivals. In the departures department the Pine Grosbeaks have moved
on and Common Redpoll numbers are down from what they were a few weeks ago.
There was a flock of Bohemian Waxwings at Marble Rock on Wednesday.

Raptor sightings have been excellent this week. Bald Eagles on the Cataraqui
River, at Perth Road Village, and at Ivy Lea; Red-shouldered Hawks at Perth
Road Village and Wolfe Lake, and a pair of Osprey on the Thousand Island
Parkway. The downtown Merlin put in another appearance on College Street on
Wednesday. An early trip to Amherst this morning had good results; as well
as the aforementioned waterfowl there were at least two dozen Rough-legged
Hawks and a N. Harrier in the eastern half of the island and a Peregrine
Falcon standing on the ice off the northeast end. The Owl Woods (you should
walk in from the south shore) yielded 6 Am. Woodcock, a Saw-whet, a
Long-eared as well as 2 Barred Owls.

Peter Good
Kingston Field Naturalists
613 378-6605

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