Saturday morning there were 15 duck species along Hochreiter Rd. and the north 
end of Bathurst St.  Aside from the expected Mallards and Canada Geese, the 
flooded fields on both sides of Hochreiter yielded N. PINTAIL (approx. 150), GW 
TEAL (100+), N. SHOVELER (16), BLACK DUCK (10), AM. WIGEON (6), GADWALL (4), 
WOOD DUCK (2), and BW TEAL (1 drake).  
  The "ephemeral pond" on the west side of Bathurst about 2 kms north of 
Hochreiter is so huge right now it is more like a lake.  It held a much smaller 
concentration of ducks on Saturday, but a good variety: RUDDY DUCK (2 drakes),  
drakes), CM. MERGANSER (2), and four DC Cormorants.  I did not rediscover the 
two Horned Grebes observed here on Tuesday by Chris Dunn.  Just southeast of 
this location the same day, Bruce Brydon had a COMMON LOON on Soldier's Bay, 
which sits on the north side of Queensville Sdrd. between Bathurst and Yonge 
St.  It was stil there this afternoon.
  Hochreiter Rd. also held two PILEATED WOODPECKERS that flew right over me 
Saturday morning, plus an OSPREY fishing over the West Holland River, and two 
N. FLICKERS.  Several raucous crows chased a large bird into the heart of the 
swampy woods on the south side while I was there; it appeared to be an owl and 
the continuing din from the crows suggests the same.  Both Great Horned and 
Barred Owls are possible here.  Speaking of which, I had a G.H. OWL hooting 
from west of Dufferin St. where it meets Miller Sdrd. early Saturday morning.  
At that same location I heard a RUFFED GROUSE drumming, an EASTERN MEADOWLARK 
singing, and, from farther south along Dufferin, a RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER doing 
its distinctive kwirring call.
  This morning Bruce Brydon has some good spring birds at the Cawthra Mulock 
reserve in Newmarket, including a pair of WOOD DUCKS, a COOPER'S HAWK, a 
spring.  I hiked the Porritt Tract east of Aurora in search of Pine Warblers 
but came up empty.  Consolation came in the form of 5 woodpecker species: 
Downy, Hairy, Pileated, N. Flicker, and YB Sapsucker.  I also flushed a RUFFED 
GROUSE and got my first WINTER WREN of the spring.
  On Tuesday, April 8th Tom Mills of Sutton observed the first PURPLE MARTINS 
of the season. Tom has had good success with this declining species nesting in 
his martin house the past several years.  In York region the Sutton area has 
become the only half-decently reliable place for Martins.
  Ron Fleming, Newmarket
  DIRECTIONS: York Region is just north of Toronto and south of Lake Simcoe.  
The north end of Bathurst Street is accessed by taking Yonge St. north from 
Newmarket. About halfway between Newmarket and Bradford there is a stoplight 
indicating Bathurst St. North.  Turn right, then a quick left.  Bathurst 
crosses the RR tracks then runs straight north.  Take it to all the way up to 
the flooded fields north of Queensville Sdrd. and Albert's marina.  Hochreiter 
Rd. is directly west of the road into Albert's Marina and is now relatively 
driveable, though you have to exercise some caution and be prepared for mud. 

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