This morning from 6:45 to 8:30 a.m. I birded the woods and residential
streets along a small section of Lake Ontario from Ben Machree Park to the
Rhododendron Garden, SW Port Credit.   While still not huge numbers the
diversity (21 species) was somewhat impressive: Tennessee (1); Nashville
(3); Northern Parula (4); Yellow (15); Chestnut-sided (3); Magnolia (5);
Cape May (1); Blackburnian (5); Black-throated Blue (7); Cerulean (1);
Black-throated Green (7); Yellow-rumped (10); Palm (6); Pine (7);
Bay-breasted (1); Black-and-white (12); American Redstart (5); Mourning (1);
Louisiana Waterthrush (1); Canada (1) and Wilson's (1).  The trees in this
are very mature and many of warblers were feeding high in the canopies.
This nice mix of coniferous (spruce, pine, larch, firs, cedar) and deciduous
trees (maples, oaks, birches, alder and beeches) and well as some major
dense stands of low shrubs this area provides a diversity of habitats in a
relatively compact and easily covered in an hour of birding.
   This was a my first Cerulean for this area: a male singing from at the
top of large birch at the top of the bank just behind the large mass of
mature Rhododendrons (now coming into bloom) just sw of the parking lot of
the garden.  
   The Mourning was singing in dense undergrowth just downstream from the
first bridge over the creek from lakeshore and near the bathroom building.
The Louisiana Waterthrush was along the same creek but just north of the
southernmost of the three bridges.
   Surprisingly, the only species of  thrush I saw was American Robin!

   Ben Machree Park is located at the south end of both Pine and Maple
Avenues which run off Lakeshore 4 blocks west of Mississauga Road.  The
Rhododendron Garden parking lot is located only two block further west.  The
major concentrations of warblers were in the high trees in bottom half of
Godfrey's Lane which abutts the se parts of the Rhododendron Garden.
   There is a small parking lot on the shoreline at the end of Godfrey's
Lane (where it meets Ben Machree Drive) which runs south off lakeshore along
the east side of the garden; this would get you closer to the center of

Wayne Renaud
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
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