Friends of Point Pelee provides daily updates of sightings within Point
Pelee National Park during the Festival of Birds May 3 through May 19, 2008

An unsubstantiated report of a Townsend's Warbler has been made and many
people are searching the Loop Woods. It was reported heading south towards
the Tip.

A Mississippi Kite has been seen in various locations throughout the south
end of the Park.

At least one of the Laughing Gulls reported over the last few days has been
seen at the Tip this morning.

The Kirtland's Warbler from yesterday has not been reported yet today.

A good number of migrants are been seen in the Park. Much of the action has
been at the Tip and the west side of the Park.

At the Tip
People are reporting many species of warbler this morning. Of special
interest were a Blue-winged Warbler, Cerulean Warbler and Blackpoll
Warbler. As mentioned above there has been a report of a Townsend's Warbler
in the Loop Woods. Also noted, Scarlet Tanager, Indigo Bunting,
Yellow-throated Vireo, among other species. As well, there were fly-by
reports of Ruddy Turnstone. And the Laughing Gull was seen offshore.

West Beach
Many species have been found along the west side, from the Tip up to a
point even with the group campgrounds. Most activity reported from the West
Beach parking lot and north. Philadelphia Vireo, Canada Warbler and
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher were some of the highlights. Some 20 species of
warbler were reported.

Some good activity on the west side, with Yellow-throated Vireo also being
reported there.

Post Woods
A number of species including a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher.

Tram Road to Tip
Seen from the road, halfway from the "halfway tram stop" to the Tip tram
loop, a male Hooded Warbler.

Good Birding,
Hike Leaders, Pete, Ross, John, Dave, Karl, Justin, Kim

Janice Rogers, General Manager

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