This Thur. AM there were Two male HOODED Warblers ( c/o Leon Schliter ?) at 
West Deane Park in Etobicoke.

Wednesday AM the Kentucky Warbler?was seen by 3 observers

It appears that the "Patagonia picnic bench syndrome, near Nogales Arizona" is 
happeneing at West Deane park in Etobicoke (West Toronto)
The more people observe, the more variety and rarity of birds are seen. 

So far this past week the following have been observed by myself ot others:
Kentucky Warbler ( Sat ,Tue, & Wed}? 20 m north/west of bridge & in 
Sumacs/saplings?? bush on North-West side of main path
Prothonotary Warbler( Sat, Sun, Mon, Tue) 300 m north/ west of bridge in Silver 
Maple saplings
Hooded Warbler, by Leon Schlitcher ( Thur) 50 m West of bridge in mature Maple 
tree on south side of main tarred path
Summer Tanager ( immature Garth Riley)

Yesterday and today I also had:
WARBLERS:( 24 species so far!!)?Mourning, Parula, Blackpoll, Cape 
May,Bay-breasted, ?Blackburnian, Canada, Tennesse, Nashville, Palm, 
Black-throated Blue & Green, Northern Waterthrush, Magnolia, Black-and-White, 
Ovenbird, Yellow-rumped,?Redstart, Chestnut-sided, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow,

VIREOS: Philadelphia, Red-eyed, Warbling, Blue-headed

Flycatchers: E.?Pewee, Willow and Least Flycatcher, E. Phoebe. Great Crested, 
E. Kingbirds,

Other: RB Grosbeak (4), Scarlett Tanager ( 4, both male and females and 1st 
year birds), Indigo bunting (6) , Swainsons's & Hermit Thrushes, Catbird, House 

It is important to stress that this West Deane?Park "ecosystem" habitat 
contains naturally occurring? CANADIAN? Maples (Sugar & Silver) and ASH trees 
at different reproductive ages( seedling,sapling and mature tree) as well as 
some "natural" Coniferous trees. IT NEEDS TO BE PRESERVED!!!

Directions to West Deane Park:? north on Hwy 427, exit at ?Rathburn Road EAST, 
drive 2 lights to Martingrove Road, left (north) on 
Martingrove, less than 1 km to West Dean Park parking lot on left (west) side 
of Martingrove road.
Park north of the children playground and walk?across the Mimico Creek 
bridge, then North?to either the 1st(creek path) or 2nd path ( 30 m past 

PS: To add to Don perks report. There were 35 Whimbrels at Kipling spit ( 
Colonel Smith Park) at about 9 AM Thursday ( c/o Don Burnett). I Saw 12 
Whimbrels at the spit.
??? As well there were SB Dowitchers on the marina side, 2 Common Loons, along 
with Bank and Cliff Swallows.

Direction to KIPLING SPIT( Colonel Sam Park)- drive to Kipling south of 
Lakeshore Rd. ( In west Toronto ). drive to most southerly parking lot, closest 
to the lake. Walk to lake. Beware of Canis familiaris

2347 Nikanna Rd.
Mississauga, Ontario
905-2734596 BE at Peace with Nature
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