Thursday, June 26, 2008

Now that the young of the year of some species are out of their nests, we are 
beginning to hear different sounds out there, some of them new to many ears. 
During a hike along Prince Edward County's Millennium Trail last weekend, the 
young of numerous BALTIMORE ORIOLES could be heard in the Wellington area, and 
a few were eventually spotted calling from tangles of wild grape and Virginia 
creeper. In the Jericho Road area, an egg count was taken of a PURPLE MARTIN 
colony with an impressive 171 eggs in 39 nests, certainly a success that not 
every landlord can claim as the species continues to decline in many areas. A 
nest of YELLOW-BELLIED SAPSUCKERS near Elmbrook is one of very few nesting 
records of this species in Prince Edward County, except for a reference to 
nesting in 1930, and more recently, confirmed nesting during the recent 
Breeding Bird Atlas effort. Last weekend, the pair was observed feeding young 
at the nesting site, the female arriving three times with food, and the male 
once. And at Sandbanks Provincial Park, optimism for the pair of RED-HEADED 
WOODPECKERS nesting there near the Dunes Beach Day Use Area parking lot 
escalated when one adult bird was seen removing a fecal sac out of the nest 

At other locations, other species are singing happily away, and among them was 
a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD in the Coleman Street area of Belleville, its finder 
reporting that the bird had an amazing repertoire of backyard birds. Another 
NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD was seen yesterday in Prince Edward County along Highway 
49 near Mount Carmel Road. And according to one regular contributor to this 
weekly report who is holidaying in the States, the place to see mockingbirds is 
on the White House grounds and in Arlington Cemetery where several were seen 
and heard this week.

After a decline in the area, due probably to a gradual disappearance of 
suitable habitat, it was a treat last weekend to hear at least four VESPER 
SPARROWS in as many locations along the Millennium Trail between Benway Road 
and Greer Road, west of Wellington. The wetland just northwest of Danforth Road 
along the same trail produced several BLACK TERNS, MARSH WRENS, SWAMP SPARROWS 
and two VIRGINIA RAILS, the latter remaining out in the open for several 
minutes. No LEAST BITTERNS were noted at this time, but one was seen during the 
week at Perch Cove at Hay Bay. Two GREAT EGRETS surprised one observer at 
Paliser Creek along Frankford Road, north of Belleville on the 21st, and GREAT 
EGRETS have also been seen at the Fox Pond along Telephone Road west of Trenton.

MOURNING WARBLERS in the Scott's pine plantation area at Sandbanks Provincial 
Park's West Lake Sector, are likely nesting, and likewise with several PINE 
WARBLERS that have been heard in the area. We still await the first nesting 
since the early 1950s of BALD EAGLES, but the sighting of an adult bird in the 
Morrison's Point area, not far from where a nest platform was erected last 
December, provides encouragement. Other interesting sightings over the last 
several days include a SCARLET TANAGER in the Elmbrook area, WHITE-THROATED 
SPARROW at Sandbanks Provincial Park, more BLACK TERNS at Sandbanks Provincial 
Park near the mouth of the Outlet River, and 2 at Madoc in the Cooper Road and 
Queensboro Road area. A WHITE-THROATED SPARROW was singing along the Oivi 
Nature Trail at the Menzel Centennial Provincial Park, north of Deseronto where 
no fewer than 4 VEERIES were also singing. Two GREEN HERONS kept pace with a 
party of hikers during an interpretive hike last night along Potter Creek at 
the Quinte Conservation Area in Quinte West, and 2 INDIGO BUNTINGS were seen 
during the week in Bloomfield.

And that's it for this week from Prince Edward County and the Quinte area. Our 
thanks to Heather Heron, Kathy McPherson, Peter Mohr, Susan Vanden Dosch, 
Joanne Dewey, Donna Fano, Doris Lane, Serge de Sousa, Joanne Dewey, Doug & 
Evelyn Sloane, Kathleen Rankine, and John Charlton for their contributions to 
this week's report. This report will be updated on Thursday, July 03, but 
sightings can be e-mailed anytime before the Wednesday night deadline. Feature 
photo on the Main Birding Page of the NatureStuff website is by Dave Bell of 
Belleville, of a HOUSE WREN peering out of a nest box. Photos in the online 
edition of the Quinte Area Bird Report include a NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD by Alan 
Cullum of Salem, and a GREAT EGRET by Susan Shipman of Wellington. 

Terry Sprague
Prince Edward County
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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