After many visits to the Townsend Sewage Lagoons so far this July, myself,
along with my Dad and Girlfriend, had a bird I am quite sure is an Adult
Little Stint in the SE cell today. Unfortunately, water levels in the lagoon
have risen considerably due to recent rains, and there is little exposed
mud. The peeps are spending considerable time in the weeds, along the
northern edge of the Lagoon. We viewed the bird roughly 4-5 times, never
longer than a few minutes at a time before it would wander back into the
weeds and be lost from sight. Twice, while trying for better views late in
the evening, the bird would disappear for sometimes over an hour.

It was not a Field Guide "adult male in spring" individual, however it stood
out from the rest due to dark legs, considerable redish-orange across the
back, and short straight bill. My "gut reaction" on my first views of the
bird was that it was simply NOT one of the regular North American species of
peep. I'll try to keep this short, and I am planning on going back tomorrow
AM and can post if the bird is re-found. No photographs unfortunately, due
to distance, weeds, poor light, and short viewing times.

Other shorebirds present included a rather early juv. Semipalmated
Sandpiper, 1 juv. Least Sandpiper (among the ~100 adults of those species),
1 Greater Yellowlegs among the Lessers, 3 Stilt Sandpipers and 2 Wilson's
Phalaropes among the other expected species.

When visiting the lagoons, please park AWAY from the gates (either side of
the road), to allow the large tanker trucks easy passage.

Happy Shorebirding


--___Townsend Lagoons:

Directions to Townsend's sewage lagoon - Take 403 Hamilton exiting at 6
south. Follow 6 around Caledonia, through Hagersville turning right at
Nanticoke Creek Parkway. Follow the Parkway into Townsend and turn left
onto Keith Richardson's Parkway. Turn right at Concession 14 Townsend
Rd and the lagoons are on the right between the first and second farms
on the right hand side.
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