
Tonight after receiving a call from Mary Hart I saw an American White Pelican 
along the Lake Erie shoreline at Port Colborne. She first found the bird around 
5 pm. We arrived at about 7:30 pm and had brief but good scope views before the 
bird flew off to the west.

Here are the directions: Take the QEW to Exit 57 (Victoria Ave/RR-24 towards 
Vineland 0.6 km; turn right at S Service Road and then left at the lights onto 
Victoria Avenue. Go about 27 km and continue going south on HWY. Turn left at 
HWY 3/RR3. Turn right at Cement Rd. Turn left at Lakeshore Road and turn right 
at Oakridge Crescent. Please note that the beach front is private property in 
this area and the residents don't want trespassers. Mary Hart lives at 103 
Oakridge Crescent and has offered to show people the bird (if it returns). One 
birder suggested to me that Morgan's Point might be a good place to start 
looking too.

All the best
Marcie Jacklin
Fort Erie, Ontario

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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