Greetings all,

This morning Sarah Petrasek and I birded Presqu'ile's Owen Pt. from 0800-0900 just before a mild storm front passed over.

There were small numbers of shorebirds along the spit off Owen Pt., but almost none on the beach. Shorebirds seen included:

10j Least S/p
3j Semi S/p
1j Baird's S/p - my first of fall but Maureen Riggs said she had seen one a few days ago.
1a,3j Spotted S/p
1j Semi Plover

Throughout the time on Owen Pt. a steady stream of swallows and martins was seen flying west off Owen Pt. and toward Gull Island. Some were low to the water while others were higher. The Purple Martins were the most numerous with about 175 seen passing over in an hour. Almost all flew high. There were a few groups of 30 but most were seen in groups less than 10. This is the largest martin flight I have seen around here in recent memory - too bad we couldn't have stayed longer to see how long the flight continued.

Other observations of interest included:

1 female Bufflehead (possibly the same bird seen at nearby Gosport in late June)
4 Redhead
1 male Lesser Scaup
12 Com. Merganser (loafing on Gull Is.)
lots of migrant Yellow Warblers, several parties of Eastern Kingbirds as well as a few American Redstart.


Doug McRae

Doug McRae Nature Services
P.O. Box 3010
Brighton, Ontario
Canada K0K 1H0

Directions: Presqu'ile is south of the town of Brighton on the north shore of Lake Ontario. Exit Hwy. 401 at the Brighton exit, then follow 6 km. south into town, and follow the signs to the Provincial Park. To reach Owen Pt., you can either park at the Park Store and walk west to pick up the trail, or park at the Owen Pt. trail parking lot.

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