Today at noon what I believe is the Female Peregrine put on a show 15 stories 
up at the corner of King Street and Melinda Court. She was having "lunch" on 
the TD building which we have a great view out of our office tower. I am slowly 
building interest with my co-workers as I had about 10 watching the show. We 
managed some photos thanks to a co-workers Canon G9.
Richmond Hill's Phyllis Rawlinson park, Leslie St., just north of 19th 
avenue has Black-capped Chickadees, American Goldfinches, Blue Jays and 
Northern Cardinals in a feeding frenzy on various wild flowers and seeds 
throughout the park.  I managed a poor lighting photo of a "Waxwing" which does 
not look like any Cedar Waxwings we have nesting in the neighbourhood. If 
anyone would like to see the photo and perhaps confirm the species, I would be 
willing to share the photo.
Richmond Hill 
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