We looked between 7 and 7:30 a.m. and around 4:00 p.m. for 10 minutes with
no luck.  Others looked earlier in the afternoon and did not see it.  The
location is on Cement Plant Road, just south of Hwy. 3 in Port Colborne,

We also birded the Lake Erie shore from Port Colborne to Rock Point plus the
turf farms near Highway 65 in the Town of Dunnville.  On the east side of
65, just south of Poth Road, there were a few BLACK-BELLIED and AMERICAN
GOLDEN-PLOVERS plus one small-billed WHIMBREL (likely a juvenile).  Along
the north side of Feeder Canal Road in the T. of Dunnville, a little east of
Bird Road, there were 29 Black-bellied Plovers.  At Rock Point Prov. Park
(follow signs from Dunnville south to the park or from the west, take Reg.
Rd 3 west along the shore until you see the provincial park sign) there were
TURNSTONE among the more common species.  In the vicinity of the banding
station in the park, there was a CAPE MAY WARBLER and an OSPREY.  At the
Mosaic Ponds (take Rymer Road from the park to the north end and turn left
to see some ponds through a fence on your right), there were 2 REDHEAD.  2
SOLITARY SNADPIPERS and, later, a STILT SANDPIPER reported by others, were
seen at the pond near the south end of Cement Plant Road in Port Colborne.
One adult and three young RED-HEADED WOODPECKERS were at the end of Kraft
Road in the Town of Fort Erie, as was a fly-by COMMON NIGHTHAWK.  We had 15
species of shorebirds on the day but migrant songbirds were very sparse.

We also had 17 species of butterflies, many on the Feeder Canal Road east of
Bird Road, with the highlights being Bronze Copper and Gray Hairstreak.

Thanks to Vicky Rothman, Jim Pawlicki, and Dave Gordon for joining us today.

Good birding and butterflying!
Willie D'Anna
Betsy Potter
Wilson, NY

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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