* New York
* Buffalo
* 09/11/2008
* NYBU0809.11
- Birds mentioned
[BOS Field Trip - Tifft Nature Preserve and Times Beach, Saturday, September 13, 8 AM. Meet at the Tifft parking lot. Visitors always welcome.]
 D.-crest. Cormorant
 Great Egret
 Northern Shoveler
 Ring-necked Duck
 Common Merganser
 Wild Turkey
 Peregrine Falcon
 Black-bellied Plover
 American Golden-Plover
 Semipalmated Plover
 Upland Sandpiper
 Ruddy Turnstone
 Least Sandpiper
 Red-necked Phalarope
 Bonaparte's Gull
 Caspian Tern
 Ruby-t. Hummingbird
 Yellow-b. Flycatcher
 Common Raven
 Golden-cr. Kinglet
 Philadelphia Vireo
 Tennessee Warbler
 Nashville Warbler
 Northern Parula
 Yellow Warbler
 Chestnut-s. Warbler
 Magnolia Warbler
 Cape May Warbler
 Bl.-thr. Bl. Warbler
 Yellow-r. Warbler
 Bl.-thr. Green Warb.
 Blackburnian Warbler
 Bay-breasted Warbler
 Blackpoll Warbler
 Bl. and w. Warbler
 American Redstart
 Wilson's Warbler

---------------------------------------------------------- Please phone in rare sightings for update
 Submit email to dfsuggs localnet com
 Thank you, David

- Transcript
 Hotline: Dial-a-Bird at the Buffalo Museum of Science
 Date:             09/11/2008
 Number:           716-896-1271
 To Report:        Same
 Compiler:         David F. Suggs (dfsuggs at localnet com)
 Coverage:         Western New York and adjacent Ontario
 Website:          www.BOSBirding.org

 Thursday, September 11, 2008

Dial-a-Bird is a service provided by your Buffalo Museum of Science and this answering system was donated by the Buffalo Ornithological Society. Press (2) to leave a message, (3) for updates, meeting and field trip information and (4) for instructions on how to report sightings and use this system. To contact the Science Museum, call 896-5200.

Highlights of reports received September 4 through September 11 from the Niagara Frontier Region include SNOW GOOSE, EARED GREBE, WHIP-POOR-WILL, warblers and shorebirds.

September 10, at Windmill Marsh in the Oak Orchard Wildlife Management Area, a white phase SNOW GOOSE, seen from the tower on Albion Road. If a migrant, it is the earliest record in the BOS archives by almost two weeks; otherwise, this may be the first record of a lingering summer SNOW GOOSE.

Also the 10th, two EARED GREBES at the Batavia Waste Water Plant, along with arriving waterfowl - 62 NORTHERN SHOVELERS, REDHEAD, 6 RING-NECKED DUCKS and 2 COMMON MERGANSERS, plus BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER and 2 RUDDY TURNSTONES. The plant is at the end of Industrial Blvd., off Route 33, west of Batavia. Visitors must check in at the office.

Still on the 10th, 81 COMMON MERGANSERS on Lake Erie at Saint Columbans in the Town of Sheridan.

Warbler migration stepped up this week. September 8, 16 species at Goat Island in Niagara Falls, New York - TENNESSEE WARBLER, NASHVILLE WARBLER, NORTHERN PARULA, YELLOW WARBLER, CHESTNUT-S. WARBLER, MAGNOLIA WARBLER, CAPE MAY WARBLER, BL.-THR. BL. WARBLER, YELLOW-R. WARBLER, BL.- THR. GREEN WARB., BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER, BAY-BREASTED WARBLER, BLACKPOLL WARBLER, BL. AND W. WARBLER, AMERICAN REDSTART and WILSON'S WARBLER. At Fort Niagara State Park in the Town of Porter, a similar set of 15 warblers plus PHILADELPHIA VIREO. September 6, 12 warbler species plus YELLOW-B. FLYCATCHER at Rock Point Park in Dunnville, Ontario. And in the Chautauqua County Town of Arkwright, 5 warbler species with 5 GOLDEN-
 CR. KINGLETS on the Meadows Road State Land.

 Shorebirds this week were highlighted by a juvenile RED-
NECKED PHALAROPE with SEMIPALMATED PLOVER, SANDERLING and LEAST SANDPIPER, September 5, on the beach at Beaver Island State Park on Grand Island. In Ontario on the 5th, a WILLET, on Humberview Road in Port Colborne.

Small numbers of AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS were widely reported - 2 at Dunkirk Harbor, four at the turf farms in Dunnville with 67 BLACK-BELLIED PLOVERS, and in Porter, 3 AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVERS on Lake Road.

The night of September 8, a late UPLAND SANDPIPER was heard over Shirley Avenue in Buffalo.

Other reports this week - 790 D.-CREST. CORMORANTS on the electric towers at Buckhorn Island State Park on Grand Island. At Strawberry Island in the upper Niagara River, 47 GREAT EGRETS. In a North Tonawanda yard, 17 WILD TURKEYS.
 OSPREYS at Sheridan Park in Tonawanda and at the mouth of
 Cattaraugus Creek in Hanover. PEREGRINE FALCON at the Mosaic
 Ponds near Rock Point. 16 BONAPARTE'S GULLS on the beach at
 Hamburg Town Park. 26 CASPIAN TERNS at Dunkirk

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