Late Saturday afternoon I went to check out Reesor Pond after dropping off one of my kids at a birthday party not far away. While scanning the shorelines and sandbars I discovered a single adult Hudsonian Godwit among several Lesser and Greater Yellowlegs. The Godwit put to flight 2 times with some yellowlegs and its black underwings and white rump/tail feathers were very obvious. Its black legs and 2 coloured upturned beek were also very clear when it resettled on the end of the south east side sand spit. I viewed the godwit for over a half hour from about 5:15 pm to 5:45 pm. When some noisy gulls attempted to land beside the godwit it took to flight for a 3rd time with someof the yellowlegs and Killdeers. They circled a couple of times but rose higher into the sky and headed off to the southwest. Soon most of the other yellowlegs took to flight as well ( by 6 pm) from around the pond also heading to the southwest. By 6 pm what remained was 1 Black-bellied plover, 3 Killdeers
and 2 yellowlegs on the north west side sand spit.

In all I counted 6 killdeers, 6 Lesser Yellowlegs, 4 Greater Yellowlegs, 1 Black-bellied
Plover and 1 Hudsonian Godwit.
There were also 2 Ruddy ducks, 5 Great Blue Herons, 1 Great Egret and 8 mergansers ( they looked like juv./female Hooded Mergansers- very dark and smaller than RBM or

Aurora, On
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