At 6:30 this mooring Bev reefound the Hawk Owl on the bass of Tommy Thompson 
park ( the Leslie st Spit ) it was 
on the hydro poles along the rood to the yaut club on the west side of the bass 
lands this rood can also 
be assest off Unwin Ave!  it was still ther at 8:30 when I left 

this is the 303 bird for the Park's checklist 

Craig & Bev Mclauchlan   

Norms Directions

To get to "The Spit" from Queen and Yonge Streets. Take the Queen Street 
> Car #501 east to Leslie St. and walk south (about 2 km) or as far as you 
> can go on Leslie St. at Unwin Ave. and you will see the gate and signage. 
> You may also catch the Jones Bus #83 at the Donlands Subway Station or 
> transfer to it at Queen St. and Jones Ave. and take it to Leslie St. And 
> Commissioner St. (on Saturday only). By automobile you may drive to 
> Lakeshore Blvd and Leslie St. then south to The Spit.
> You can park either on Leslie St. or Unwin Ave. You may also park in the 
> parking lot inside the main gate after 9 am. Be sure to observe the 
> parking lot closing time as if you are not out by then your auto will be 
> locked in until the following day. - THE PARKING LOT AND ALL GATES WILL BE 
> LOCKED AT 4:30 pm and there is NO Van in the winter. The van will not 
> resume again until next Easter.

 C & B McLauchlan
Running Robin Ranch
Ont., Canada, World 

" Excuse my spelling and Grammer I am Dyslexic "
Thank You .
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