The very cold weather has held off, so concentrations of waterfowl are still
excellent. There were100's of diving ducks west of Bath on Wednesday
including 5 White-winged Scoters. Elevator Bay also has a great selection;
all three mergansers, both scaup, Redhead, American and Eurasian Wigeon as
well as Am. Coot. The high count of Tundra Swans there was 73 last Sunday.
Also, last Sunday, a Ross's Goose was found near Pyke's on Wolfe Island (the
southwest Corner) amidst several Snow Geese amidst a lot of Canadas. There
was another concentration of swans on Wolfe in Barrett Bay just east of
Marysville; close to a hundred Tundras and at least 2 Mute. Hay Bay south of
Napanee, had another 150 Tundra Swans and there were 2 more Mute Swans at

The gull picture is improving. The Violet Dump has good numbers but no
white-winged gulls when checked earlier in the week. There were 100's of
Herring Gulls resting in a field northwest of the Napanee dump (Richmond
Landfill) both Wednesday and Thursday. This group included 46 Great
Black-backed Gulls and a single Glaucous. Last weekend there was both a
Little and an Iceland in Elevator Bay.

Raptors are scarce on Wolfe Island and I have received no reports from
Amherst Island this week. There was, however, a Bald Eagle at Hay Bay on
Monday; last Sunday there were 3 Bald Eagles and a Barred Owl in the
Opinicon area and a Merlin was near Camden East on Wednesday. 

It has been a good week for woodpeckers; 3 Red-bellied; one just east of the
city, another just to the north out Montreal Street and the third is
visiting a feeder up the Canoe Lake Road. There were 2 N. Flickers and 5
Brown Creepers along the Opinicon Road. Probably the second best bird of the
week was an immature Red-headed Woodpecker visiting a feeder just to the
east of CFB Kingston. 

Miscellaneous sightings include Wild Turkeys at Sillsville and on the
Opinicon Road, 50 Snow Buntings at Inverary on Sunday and 5 Brown-headed
Cowbirds out Montreal Street on Monday.


Peter Good

Kingston Field Naturalists

613 378-6605

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