Went to Amherst Island yesterday (Feb 5, 2009) hoping to see some owls
before they all got eaten.

Being first-timers, we really didn't know what exactly we were looking
for, but managed to find the Barred Owl and the remnants of his
breakfast, as well as some regurgitated whole rodents on the trail.

Pat from Ottawa was the only other birder out there and he graciously
showed us a Saw-Whet that he had seen earlier in the day.

Driving around the island, we saw 5 Snowy Owls, numerous Rough-Legged
Hawks, a Red-Tailed Hawk and a Northern Shrike. We think we saw a male
Northern Harrier doing aerial acrobatics and flying west, but had
trouble with the ID. We also caught a fleeting glimpse of what we
think was a Kestrel, but no positive ID.

Two biologists from MNR were driving the island doing a raptor survey.
They reported a Short-Eared Owl, but we couldn't find it.

Not a bad day overall... (Thanks Pat.)

my terrible but slowly improving bird photos:
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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