Maureen Smith and I tired for the Gryfalcon on Wolfe Is. this morning. >From 
other birders who had been on the earlier ferries, we heard that it had not 
been sighted, so we decided to tour the island.  The ferry is still using the 
summer route arriving in Marysville, since the water in Lake Ontario is high.  
We went to the winter terminal on the island and watched the Gryfalcon flying 
east and then it landed on a chunck of ice sitting up in the middle of the 
(mostly frozen) river.  We could scope the bird well from the vantage point we 
had.  This was at 10:30 a.m.  

Directions:  After leaving the (free) ferry, go east on Co Rd 96 to Route 705 
(about 3 km) and then go north to the end.

Anne Anthony
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birding organization.
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