This morning (April 17) my wife and I saw a very vocal pair (M-F) of red-bellied woodpecker fussing about a fresh hole in a deciduous tree, 20-25 feet off the ground, on the north side of CR 12 halfway between Inverary (Perth Road, CR 10) and Sunbury (CR11). They were in a linear stand of deciduous trees 40 feet back from the road, above a superb exposure of the Precambrian/Paleozoic angular unconformity, in a rock cut visible on both sides of the road extending EW about 150 feet.

Take the Perth Road (Division Street, CR10) north from Kingston and turn right on CR12 just south of Inverary and look for the long outcrop just past the north end of Collins Lake, about 2 km east of the turnoff from CR10. The hole in question is nearly directly opposite the entrance to a waterfront home on the south side of CR12.

More on the geology, for those interested:

The overlaying 450-470 million year old Paleozoic sedimentary rock is a thickly- and horizontally-bedded greenish medium to coarsely grained calcareous wacke (dirty limey sandstone) (Shadow Lake Formation?) and the underlaying 1 billion-year-old Precambrian rock is a slightly weathered gneiss with a prominent fabric dipping W about 40 degrees. No quartz-pebble conglomerate is developed along the contact, as it is farther south and west in the Thousand Islands region. The contact is quite sharp and distinguishable, in contrast to other exposures of this unconformity, with no visible regolith preserved on the buried Precambrian surface. In places the actual former late-Cambrian or early-Ordovician earth surface (the eroded top of the Grenville gneiss) is exposed. The gap in time represented by the unconformity is nearly half a billion years!

Well worth the visit, for the RBWO or the rocks.

Geof Burbidge
Chelsea, Quebec

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