In spite of the heavy rain and north winds, Thickson's Woods in Whitby had
excellent birding this morning, Tuesday April 28. There were two male Hooded
Warblers in the woods all day yesterday, and both may still be there - one
was singing from the north edge of the woods just east of the entrance at
9am today, and later there was a brief burst of song in the centre of the
woods near the sightings book where one of the birds hung out yesterday.
Many Yellow-rumps and ones and twos of other warblers including
Black-throated Green, Chestnut-sided, Nashville, Pine, Palm, Ovenbird, and
Northern Waterthrush. Many thrushes, still mostly Hermit Thrushes, but
several Veerys, a couple of Wood Thrushes and at least one Swainson's.
Several Blue-headed Vireos and one early Warbling Vireo. Many Blue Jays,
suggesting a return spring flight, and a few Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, Great
Crested Flycatchers and Gray Catbirds. House Wrens were checking out nesting
cavities and there were many Winter Wrens, but I didn't catch up with the
Carolina Wren that has been around for a while.

Leave Hwy.401 at Thickson Road, Exit 412 and go south to the Waterfront
Trial, running east just north of the woods.
The entrance to the woods is 200m east of Thickson Road, on the south side
of the Waterfront Trail, with entrance to the Meadow opposite. Please note
that there is now no parking on the Waterfront Trail. Birders are requested
to park on the east side of Thickson Road, north of the trail.

Margaret Bain

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