Friends of Point Pelee provide guided birding hikes throughout the Festival
of Birds at Point Pelee National Park of Canada. Proceeds from hikes support
the Friends of Point Pelee and Point Pelee National Park. This submitted
report is a service of the FoPP Hike Leaders.

May 8, 2009

As has been the case the last number of days Tilden’s Woods continues to
consistently produce the widest diversity of species. Overall numbers are
also expected to increase in the near future after the next wave of migrants
arrives. Highlights reported from Tilden’s this morning were Worm-eating
Warbler (far NE corner – heard only), Louisiana Waterthrush (singing south
of boardwalk), ‘Brewster’s’ and Blue-winged Warbler, Bay-breasted Warbler,
several Northern Parulas and Blue-headed Vireos. In total 17 species of
warbler have been reported from this location this morning.

Elsewhere, the tip has generally been slow, although this morning a Summer
Tanager was the highlight. It was observed at the very end flying attempting
to fly out over the lake. Also reported from the vicinity was a Wilson’s
Warbler and Blue-winged Warbler. The Lark Sparrow photographed yesterday at
the parking lot by the tip tram spot was not relocated. Out on the lake
Scoters continue to be reported. This morning 12 Black Scoters were

The Redbud Trail produced a Yellow-breasted Chat and another was heard
singing south of DeLaurier yesterday, a traditional breeding area. An Eastern
Bluebird was reported from the parking lot there today.

The Woodland Nature Trail (WNT) also continues to attract a male
Prothonotary Warbler. Although occasionally disappearing from view for up to
an hour at a time, a bird is present near the southernmost bridge. The bird
has been observed taking in nesting material into a nest box and scrapping
with a House Wren. The female Prothonotary Warbler reported at the north end
of the WNT a few days ago has not been reported recently. Elsewhere along
the trail, a Cerulean Warbler and Blue-winged Warbler were reported this

No reports have been submitted for areas in the northern half of the Park
but the activity level yesterday afternoon had subsided a bit from the night

A Northern Mockingbird was also reported just north of the gate.

Good Birding,

Hike Leaders Pete, Karl, Dave, Justin, Todd and Marianne


Join us for the 5th Annual Fundraising Dinner

Friday May 8th, 2009 @ 5:30 PM

Pelee Days Inn- $60 per person ($25 tax receipt)

Reservations can be made at

 or call 519-326-6173

To help our environmental impact…this is a ticket-less event!

Presentation-Journey to the land of Subarctic Shorebirds,

Take a virtual journey to James Bay’s Akimiski Island and discover

Shorebirds and other subarctic wonders through the eyes of birding

Expert and photographer *Jean Iron. *

Janice Rogers, G.M.
Friends of Point Pelee
Our Point is Pelee

1118 Point Pelee Drive
Leamington, ON N8H 3V4
519-326-6173 P
519-326-7925 F
888-707-3533 Toll Free
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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