After work I birded the Bill Mason Centre for a little over an hour.  There are 
many WILSON'S SNIPES winnowing throughout the marsh (I counted at least six).  
There were also several VIRGINIA RAILS calling around.  When I arrived I first 
heard a whinny of a SORA coming from the eastern side of the boardwalk.  I did 
not see this bird, but later on I heard more whinnying coming from the centre 
of the marsh.  This time I did see the bird, and observed it for several 
minutes before it disappeared.  It continued to whinny intermittently.  It is 
possible there were actually two soras there, but I can only definitively 
confirm the one.  YELLOW WARBLERS were in abundance, and I heard two distinct 
NORTHERN WATERTHRUSHES to the east side of the boardwalk.




DIRECTIONS:  From March Road in Kanata, turn onto Dunrobin Road and follow for 
several kilometers, past the centre of Dunrobin (intersection of Dunrobin Road 
and Thomas Dolan Parkway).  The Bill Mason Centre is on the right near the 
school (follow the dirt path on the left side of the entrance).

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