A singing, actively foraging Cape May Warbler was right off the Ganatchio Trail in Windsor when I arrived at noon. It was still there when I left at 2:00 p.m. I was birding the area across from Sand Point where there is some playground equipment and a sign announcing the Carolinian Arboretum. Just a few paces south of that sign is some playground equipment and behind that is a grouping of 3 tall conifers, one (slash?) pine and two ? The Cape May was sticking to the two other conifers, singing and giving great views.

Continuing along the Little River extension there are willows and other deciduous trees, where I found Blackpoll, Palm, and Chestnut-sided within my first 10 minutes looking. Imagine what it must have been like at dawn!

This park can be accessed from Riverside Drive and you can park in the Sand Point Beach parking lot.

Good birding,

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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