In between the constant downpores which struck most of Ontario over the weekend, Conny Kunz and I stumbled on this birding hotspot about 4km west on Concession Road 3 between Hwy 10 and 6 near Shallow Lake on Saturday On the south side of the road was a wide marsh and on the north side was a short marshy area.
From this one spot, looking south into the wide marsh we spotted, first one
Great Egret, soon to be joined by two more. Two Dunlin that were joined by a Greater Yellow Legs and then six more Dunlin flew out to execute a circular aerobatic manouevre around the marsh.
We then spotted a pair of Trumpeter Swans with one cygnet.
From the same spot on the north side marsh, we spotted a female Virginia
Rail out in the open, with three young ones scurrying amongst the reeds. An Alder Flycatcher singing up a storm pluus one unidentified Vireo. Looking west along the road, six Night Hawks took flight from the North Marsh whilst directly above us, an Osprey flew across and a Turkey Vulture slowly circled the
Marsh before alighting on a bare tree stump.
Also spotted from this location were Rusty and Brewers Blackbirds, a Yellow Warbler and the usual Northern Cardinal, Goldfinch, Tree Swallow, Barn Swallow, Song Sparrow, Grackles, Cowbirds and Red Winged Blackbird. I am sure we could have found more had the weather allowed.
From the one spot, inside 25 minutes we saw about 20 different species. Not
a bad interlude  to break up a horrible day.
Location, travel south of Hepworth on Hwy 10 about six kilometers, turn left on Concession 3, travel about 4 kilometers east along Con 3, surviving one particular hair-raising hill before the road flattens out between a major marsh on the right and a smaller marsh on the left.
Keith Sharp
Toronto On.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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