Cranberry Marsh
sw Whitby, Ontario, Canada--south roadside parking area on Hall's Rd.
Thursday, Sep.17/09
Observation  time: 0800-1200, 1300-1400EDT

Official Counter: Doug Lockrey
Observers: Jim Skene, Dan Kaczynski, Karl Jennewein, Steve Wood, Rosemary Harris, Charlie Adey, Alan Woods, King Baker, John Stirrat, Jim Larkin, Eleanor Beagan
and 10+ others.

sunny ; light NE winds, steady, TUV=2, 21C

The easterly component to the wind remained all morning, this not promoting
a raptor flight along the lakefront. Many observers had left before the TVs
slowly kettled their way across.>

Migrating Raptor Observations: SEE TABLE BELOW
49 turkey vulture, 1 N,harrier, 4 Sharp-shinned, 5 Broad-winged, 2 Red-tailed,
2 Am.Kestrel, 1 Merlin, 2 Peregrine falcon and 2 Inidentifieds.

Non-raptor Observations:  CAPE MAY WARBLER, 6+ hummingbirds,
warbling vireo, red-eyed vireo, rose-breasted grosbeak,
2 GREAT  EGRETS, common  yellowthroat, catbird, cedar waxwings,
among others.

Monarch Butterflies--5

From the 401 eastbound, exit at Salem Rd. in Ajax, south to Bayly, then
east through LakeRidge Rd. to the first street beyond--Hall's Rd.--south
toward the lake to the second roadside parking area.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Raptor Species              Sep.17  Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Black Vulture                      0              0              0
Turkey Vulture                   49            155           169
Osprey                               0              57           121
Bald Eagle                           0              8             19
Northern Harrier                 1              18            31
Sharp-shinned Hawk           4            371          398
Cooper's Hawk                  0               10            19
Northern Goshawk            0                 1              1
Red-shouldered Hawk       0                0               0
Broad-winged Hawk         5              376          389
Red-tailed Hawk               2               35            51
Rough-legged Hawk         0                 0              0
Golden Eagle                    0                 0              0
American Kestrel              2              238          250
Merlin                               1                11            14
Peregrine Falcon               2                  9             9
Unknown Accipiter           1                5              5
Unknown Buteo                2               9              13
Unknown Falcon              0                1              1
Unknown Eagle                0                0              0
Unknown Raptor               1               15            16

Total:                              68            1319         1506
Doug Lockrey, coordinator CMRW, Whitby, ON

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