
We went to both Reesor ponds today.

Upper Reesor was clear and cold. We saw the Sandpipers: I don't know if one
was a Dunlin...I will bow to wiser heads but two of the Sandpipers were much
the same size. Whether the bill was down-curved I will have to check my,
very distant, photographs.

Otherwise, it was nice to see the Coot and the Yellowlegs. We had a Lesser
approach quite close. We also had a brief visit from a Yellow-rumped
Warbler. Killdeers too. They were all rousted by a Cooper's Hawk for a bit.

Lower Reesor was also interesting. We had some great views of a hunting
Harrier family.

Two Pied-billed Grebes, and our first Lesser Scaup of the year were also

If you like sparrows you will love this place: Song, Field, White Throated,
and White Crowned Sparrows were flitting about. The berm around the pond
allows for some very nice views of the birds in the trees and bushes (the
hunting cat spooked them for a bit).

Also present were a Blue Jay, House Finch, and Junco. A House Wren graced us
with an all to brief visit.

We also saw a bit of the raptor migration: a Red Tail and a bunch of Turkey



Upper Reesor is on Reesor Road just south of Reesor and Highway 7 (if you go
past the 407 you have gone too far) on the West side.

Lower Reesor is further south at 14th avenue on the east side. You could
easily pass it so look for the wood chips on the east side.

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birding organization.
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