Very low thermals and a falling BP dictated few migrating raptors along the
Whitby lakefront. Sure enough, we had only 11 --SEE TABLE BELOW.
at 0930EDT a Northern Goshawk flew low towards us.

Non-raptors: In the late morning 2 flocks of Snow Geese (30,50) flew in from the west, landing in Lynde Marsh. Then, at 1155EDT 30 flew up and westward--only 3 were
Whites, the remainder being Blue-morph whites.
Over 25 Long-tailed ducks flew along the lakefront, where there were very many
Red-breasted Mergansers.

No raptors were reportrd for Oct.23, a rainy day.

Cranberry Marsh, sw Whitby, ON--south roadside parking area on Hall's Rd.
THURSDAY, Oct.22/09
Observation time--0800-1000, 1100-1300EDT

Official counter- Doug Lockrey
Observers-  Alf Lisk, Ron Pittaway

Weather: light S wind; BP=100 falling; TUV=0; 14C

From the 401 eastbound, exit at Salem Rd. in Ajax, south to Bayly, then east
through LakeRidge Rd. to the first street beyond---Hall's Rd.--south
toward the lake to the second roadside parking area.

Raptor species-------------Day Total--------Month Total-------Season Total
Black Vulture--------------------0---------------0----------------------0
Turkey Vulture------------------0-------------2840---------------- 3901
Osprey--------------------------0---------------5------------------- 136
Bald Eagle-----------------------0-------------23-------------------- 53
Northern Harrier---------------4-----------------45------------------ 90
Sharp-shinned Hawk----------0----------------672----------------1426
Cooper's Hawk--------------- 0---------------- 47 ------------------86
Northern Goshawk------------ 1----------------12------------------ 14
Red-shouldered Hawk---------0 --------------- 36 -------------------38
Broad-winged Hawk----------  0 ---------------0 ------------------416
Red-tailed Hawk-------------6----------------811------------------944
Rough-legged Hawk---------- 0 ----------------3--------------------3
Golden Eagle------------------ 0 -------------- 1 --------------------1
American Kestrel------------- 0 ------------ 137------------------ 474
Merlin-------------------------  0   ------------8 -------------------30
Peregrine Falcon--------------0 -------------- 17------------------ 40
Unidentified Accipiter--------- 0  -------------- 2 ------------------10
Unidentified Buteo------------ 0 --------------- 3------------------ 26
Unidentified Falcon----------- 0 --------------- 1 -------------------2
Unidentified Eagle-------------0-------------- 1--------------------- 1
Unidentified Raptor ----------- 0---------------16----------------- 34

TOTAL----------------------11-------------4680-------------- 7725

Doug Lockrey-- coordinator CMRW, Whitby, ON

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