Any day like today, dominated by east winds (generally) makes for a poor Hawk flight over High Park. I decided to try the Churchill Reservoir Park at Spadina and St Clair and see if the east winds brought
Raptors overhead.

I observed between 3pm and 4pm:

1 American Kestral

5 Red Tailed Hawks

1 Turkey Vulture

2 Peregrine Falcons... one may have been "local" ,the other immature bird, was definitely migrating.

25 Snow Geese to the southeast, over Proctor and Gamble on the Lakehore, and a larger group southwestwards over High Park

1 Airbus 380 at 3:56 pm.

The Raptor flight was both to the south and to the north of the reservoir/park, occasionally overhead.

I think that on autumn days with south winds the flight may be greater over the park, and I
invite others to attend and watch for birds of prey.

St Clair Reservior Park aka: Churchill Park is at the south eastern confluences of Spadina and St Clair Avenues In Toronto. Best viewing area is in the middle of the great circular walkway.

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