At -10C this morning all the bays and inlets will freeze up and our waterfowl 
numbers will crash. Earlier in the week there were some good sightings; 1000 
Tundra Swans in Hay Bay last Saturday, another 100 or so in Elevator Bay 
yesterday, and on a KFN field trip last Sunday a few Green-winged Teal and 3 
Canvasbacks, also in Elevator Bay.

There are lots of gulls at the Violet dump; a few Great Black-backed, a single 
Glaucous and a Lesser Black-backed among the hundreds of Herring and 

In the raptor department Sharp-shinned Hawks visited feeders at Elginburg on 
Monday and Bedford Mills on Tuesday. There were 3 Bald eagles at the Queen's 
Biological Station on Tuesday and on Amherst Island on Wednesday, 7 
Rough-legged and 9 Red-tailed Hawks, 6 N. Harriers and 9 Am. Kestrels. There 
were also 3 Snowy, a Barred and 11 Short-eared Owls. Two more Barred Owls were 
found at Lemoine Pt. on Sunday.

Other out-of the ordinary sightings included a Brown-headed Cowbird and an Am. 
Robin at Elginburg a week ago, a single Red-winged Blackbird at Wilstead and 
two more at Elginburg on Sunday, a Red-bellied and a Pileated Woodpecker as 
well as a Brown Creeper in Cartwright's Point on Monday and the Tufted Titmouse 
at Wilstead made a return appearance. This makes three that are a showing up 
intermittently at local feeders. Other than Am. Goldfinches there have been no 
finches reported this week.


Peter Good

Kingston Field Naturalists

613 378-6605
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